Parent Smart Learning is for parents of...
Young Children
School Age Children
Age 12 years
and up
ParentSmart Learning gives parents...
Insights from neuroscience to understand behaviour and promote mental fitness and resilience
See situations through your child's eyes via exercises, peer discussions and expert feedback
Skills & Tools
Practical tools and language that invite connection, co-operation and habits for long term resilience.
What people say...
Wow – I found the recent session run by ParentSmart Learning a total eye opener! The battles, arguments and meltdowns over tech, screens and gaming in our home are increasing as my children edge towards secondary school age and this session really helped me understand why my children behave in certain ways when they’ve been on tech and gave me practical ways to help manage it. The explanations of what goes on in the brain and body when we engage with technology were so useful and I’ve already implemented some of the strategies we discussed for how to work with, rather than against technology in a healthy way for all the family…”
The session was amazing and extremely helpful. It has helped me in so many ways! With mine and the children's past, we suffered from years of domestic abuse, this workshop has changed my mind set and emotional wellbeing in such a positive way. By helping me realised that other parents have and do similar things as myself with their children and so putting me at ease that I am not the worlds most terrible parent haha. Understanding more of how children see things and understand how they learn from situations and reactions. Shown me new and better ways to support and deal with situations in a much better way for the children to learn from. And learning from other parents how they deal with situations, whilst having support from the group at the sessions.
“Having been to a number of workshops delivered by ParentSmart Learning now, I can honestly say I always take so much away with me. The sessions are so informative & really get you thinking. It’s easy, accessible knowledge that helps you support your family, reminds you we’re all human and doing our best. Being around other parents & hearing their struggles is reassuring and super helpful. Highly recommend. ”